The main draw back was that Dave' s bullet proof Lincoln Town Car was in the shop - he has the shag carpet in the back changed every year; he's always changing the color. Besides, on those sharp turns the hot tub water spills out - things get moldy. So when I arrived I had to help Scott clear out the picnic table from the backyard and paint a 20' yellow circle in the grass so Dave's helicopter had a place to land. It's flown automatically, except for today. Since Jimmy has been driving lately, Dave let Jimmy land the "Little Bird" as Dave calls it ( it seats ten people, usually super models). Jimmy used a special remote control he operates with some free software he found on the internet. This time he only clipped a few branches.
We were nearly blinded when Dave stepped off the chopper. He'd been to the optometrist and was sporting his new gold plated eyeglasses, and on the side arms where you usually see the brand name, it just said FRARY, all lit up with small LED lights. It was kind of tacky but I didn't say anything, he seemed happy with them.
His assistants Monica and Candy were no where to be found; we later found out Dave had fired them after he caught them sniffing Canopy Glue. Instead Dave arrived with his pride and joy, a white Bengal Tiger on a leash, he called Sparkles, after a stuff animal he had when he was a kid.
Scott didn't get much work done because he's afraid of any animal larger than a chipmunk. At one point I heard him crying under the bench work. He probably won't sleep a wink tonight.
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